smoke a bit of history
The Original Cremo Cigar, an icon of early America and the most successful cigar brand of the early 20th century, made a commitment to providing their customers with value. The company which rose out of beautiful Manhattan, New York City attained the largest sales of any cigar in its class. The brand was also famously linked to musician Bing Crosby in the early days of Broadcasting Radio.
The days of early Manhattan may no longer be here, however a piece of those glorious days are back!
Established in 1896, the original Cremo Cigar was an icon of early America and the most successful, top-selling cigar brand of the early 20th century in its class. Cremo Cigars was founded almost two centuries ago, in the booming borough of Manhattan, New York by George Washington Hill.
Cremo Cigars began to commission the painting of walls and facades that advertised the brand and was so successful that some of the original murals can still be seen across the country to this very day.
The popularity of the brand was fast tracked when Cremo Cigars sponsored Bing Crosby, who was the number one singer in America at the time. Crosby was known as “The Cremo Singer” with a multitude of cigar commercials running during his program.
Sadly, during the 1940’s, Cremo started to slowly disappear from the American market and eventually the brand ceased to exist.
NYC native Walter Santiago, decided to acquire the Cremo Cigars brand with the bold intention of restoring it’s illustrious name. Cremo Cigars opened its Factory and Store in Overtown, Miami. We're proud to support Overtown and we've strategically placed our factory and invested in the community, cultivating the existing cultural growth.
From the echoes of our storied past to the vibrant pulse of the present, Cremo Cigars continues to redefine the cigar experience. Our Experiences and Cigar Membership are more than offerings – they're a celebration of tradition, innovation, and the pursuit of perfection. Embark on this journey with us, and discover the allure that has captivated connoisseurs for over a century. Welcome to Cremo Cigars – where every moment is hand-rolled with distinction and every experience is rich with flavor.
2023Dominican Republic
- The Art of Cigar Making: Witness the mesmerizing process that transforms raw tobacco leaves into exquisite cigars, gaining insight into the intricate techniques that define our work.
- Intimate and Immersive Experience: Immerse yourself in an intimate tour that takes you through every step, from carefully harvesting and sorting tobacco leaves to the patient aging and precise rolling, offering a first-hand glimpse into our dedication to perfection.
- History and Culture: Delve into the rich heritage and traditions that have shaped Cremo Cigars for generations as our knowledgeable guides regale you with stories that paint a vivid picture of our esteemed past.
- The Finest Samples: Savor the distinctive flavors and aromas of Cremo’s finest cigars, allowing you to appreciate the impeccable quality and exquisite nuances that set us apart.
- Once-in-a-Lifetime Connections: Forge connections with fellow cigar enthusiasts, fostering a sense of camaraderie as you exchange tales and insights with those who appreciate the finer aspects of life.