Welcome to our online cigar shop, where customers can indulge in the finest selection of premium cigars. Discover a world of exceptional craftsmanship, convenience, and personalized service, ensuring a seamless and delightful experience that brings the joy of cigar smoking to your doorstep.
Cigar FAQs
Cigars come in various sizes and shapes, offering a unique smoking experience. Common shapes include Robusto, Churchill, Toro, Corona, and Torpedo. Sizes are measured by length and ring gauge (diameter).
Robustos are typically around 5 inches long with a ring gauge of 50, while Churchills can reach up to 7 inches with a larger ring gauge. Experimenting with different sizes and shapes lets you discover your preferred smoking profile.
Cigars feature different wrapper types, contributing to flavor, appearance, and burn characteristics. Some popular wrapper options include Connecticut Shade (mild, smooth), Habano (rich, spicy), Maduro (dark, sweet), and Cameroon (slightly spicy, aromatic).
Storing cigars correctly ensures that they don’t lose their flavor. Get yourself a humidor, a special box that controls temperature and humidity. Ensure the humidity level is between 65–70% and the temperature is around 70°F (21°C).
Keep cigars in a spot away from the sun and strong smells. Rotate your cigars once in a while to make sure they age evenly.
To prepare your cigar, use a sharp cutter or punch to make a clean, straight cut, being careful not to remove too much and cause unravelling. Light your cigar using a wooden match or butane lighter—with the flame held near the foot of the cigar without touching it.
Gently rotate the cigar to create an even burn. Avoid using regular lighters or candles, as this could taint the taste of your cigar.
Smoking a cigar is a leisurely experience you’re meant to enjoy. Take your time and savor the flavors as you puff. Don’t inhale the smoke; let it swirl in your mouth and appreciate the various tastes.
Pair your cigar with whiskies or coffees to enhance the experience, and relax in a comfortable setting while indulging in good conversation or quiet contemplation.